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MECAdvising, LLC is committed to providing services that exceed your organization’s expectations and needs. Our experience-based approach is modified to complement each client's capacity, concerns, expectations, and explicit needs. 



We provide expert advice and consultation based on your organization's explicit needs.  

Our contract for services is designed by you - to address your priorities. 

Consultation topics may include:

  • Grant Management

  • Project or Program Development

  • Assessment and Evaluation

  • Strategic Planning

  • Organizational Operations Assessment

  • B uilding a Fundraising Plan

  • Community Assessments

  • Researching Data and Demographic Information to Feed Your Requests and Solidify Your Impact


MECAdvising, LLC offers training and workshops for a flat fee so that organizations can learn current best practices for nonprofits. 

Trainings/workshops are focused on providing practical strategies to help nonprofits be more effective in fundraising, communications, board development, organizational and grant management. 

We offer in depth private or group oriented training  designed for the Board of Directors, Executive Director, Development personnel, staff, volunteers, or the whole organization.

Training/presentation topics are designed by YOU to fill the need/s within your organization.


We help you identify funding sources to support your program and projects and more importantly, the target population you serve. 

We provide guidance and assistance with potential funding opportunities from project development through to submission.  

We thoroughly explore "right-fit" in alignment with your organization's  priorities.

T he grant process includes the following services:

  • Organizational "readiness" assessment and guidance
  • Build and develop project and project budget 

  • Perform research to find corporate, private and government grantors

  • Review and assess your current funder relationships
  • Build a calendar of  potential funders that align with your strategic plan and goals 
  • G row grant revenue! 


We work closely with your organization to understand your program objectives and needs. 

We work with you and your team to build a solid grant proposal, from planning the grant program design to  development of the full narrative and budget through to submission of the proposal.


A second set of eyes on your grant proposal, appeal letter, newsletter, ect. is essential.  

We proofread, revise and evaluate your proposals/communications to ensure your message is clear and your proposal is competitive and engaging.


A successful plan is, by definition, a usable plan—one that informs the organization’s activities as well as its long-range view, and one that yields meaningful improvements in effectiveness, capacity, and relevance.

We guide the strategic planning process, accomplishing burdensome tasks, and pulling together all stakeholders necessary for a successful plan.

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